They should dismiss the engineer for his use of the emergency brake. The die-matic brake is the priority brake. The use of the air brakes is to be limited to emergencies where the die-matic is not holding. The emergency brake must never be used. Even if this real scofflaw did not activate the emergency braking system, he used way too much air and an ERAD alert went out immediately.
They should dismiss the engineer for his use of the emergency brake. The die-matic brake is the priority brake. The use of the air brakes is to be limited to emergencies where the die-matic is not holding. The emergency brake must never be used. Even if this real scofflaw did not activate the emergency braking system, he used way too much air and an ERAD alert went out immediately.
Why for does Snippy say, "Die-matic"? The STOOPIDEST HAWG Cy was ever subjected tu always called it the die-matic. Cy used to say to him, "DY-NAM-IC" slowly and succinctly, but he never got a rise out of him, or any other kind of reaction. Others did the same thing.
Much like the old BOT who always said, "Initional", when he would say, "We made 30" initional".
Die-Matic means it is an automatic way to die if you listen too carefully and don't use the automatic or emergency brake when their use is required.
'Sides that, the old heads on the Green Team used that term. *cy* should, tu. And Green was SMART enough to buy all extended range die-matics starting in 196ttu