It's 38 minutes long. That opening shot, I didn't see a single person riding on top of the train, not one. I question as to whether this video is even really shot in India. Is this FAKE?
Uke senses a slight tone of sarcasm from our members. The vid in question really is Indian Railways! Not one inch was filmed outside the Indian sub-continent, in neighboring Pakistan, or Bangladesh. (Though we might have done so very easily).
Now it's entirely your choice, watch the 38+ minute video, or don't. You fellows are retired, do you mean to say you have no spare time to watch train videos on line?
Hmm. That address doesnt look right. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.
I think what Uke meant to say is if you don't have 38 minutes right now to watch
a train video to click on the youtube video link and save it in your favorites and then
you can watch it when you do have 38 minutes to watch a train video. Cant save you
Uke from the "watching off-line" but what you ment was "off-hours/off-time" when there
is time to waste/watch.
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.