In Australia is a good place to try it out as the trains travels a route in the middle of nowhere with no people to harm/kill
hauling iron ore or a non hazardous in any way if spills occur. Knowledge certainly will be ascertained with daily operations
such as this. These mining railroads have a hard time finding people to run these railroads. Its not like they are trying
to "Gyp" some poor bastard of a railroad job in hell. There are places in the world similar where mining trains make trip
after trip in a hostile environment and not a lot of persons signing up to run these trains.
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.
Just a little dumpster fire...nothing to worry about...
The Krink wrote:In Australia is a good place to try it out as the trains travels a route in the middle of nowhere with no people to harm/killhauling iron ore or a non hazardous in any way if spills occur. Knowledge certainly will be ascertained with daily operationssuch as this. These mining railroads have a hard time finding people to run these railroads. Its not like they are tryingto "Gyp" some poor bastard of a railroad job in hell. There are places in the world similar where mining trains make tripafter trip in a hostile environment and not a lot of persons signing up to run these trains.
did Gus retire...?
*** has a future in the RR PR business. ..?
Karma, I have a list of people you missed.