Something else ta consider...
...when ya prepare ta retire. And this IS important tu! Healthy living, health care availability, and that ol' healthy lifestyle. Five best states for seniors to stay healthy and the five worst onesMay 29, 2013, 6:45 PMBy Russ Britt Minnesota is the best state for seniors to stay healthy while Miss...
...and plan in advance!
Which this poster failed to do. And is now at a total loss as to "What now?" Yes folks, a year has passed and little has been accomplished since pulling the pin. If you're close to it, get ready, because that 60/30-full retirement is there waiting on ya! Turned 66 when it hit... And the "C...
Three year Anniversary
Well it's been three years to the day for the last day of the railroad.. Feels pretty good.. Uke came down and had a good seafood dinner and were laying back a little now after a walk along the beach.. If it seems like it is taken forever to get here you'll find out that it will be there before you know it.....
A Common Trait
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Lately I have been encountering former co-workers who managed to pull the pin and get on with life. All of them share one common trait, they all have a perma-grin. I would have thought that after all those years of putting up with LINTCO, LAMCO, MARRCO etc. bullschitt that their faces would immedia...
Tihs forum has cob;s webs
1 2 3 4
LMOA! yuo retried guys need to post more.
Goat Rider
Flagman retiring soon
Our oldest flagman is going to retire the first of the year. An engineer who bid on the ground. His only hobby is smoking fine cigars. He took the $10,000 bonus to stay on till the end of the year, since this company realized they are loosing engineers at an alarming rate. Up North, engineers are baili...
Freddie Krueger
So what about your 'credit score' once ya retire?
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Last time I had mine done, by the "Big Three" reporting outfits, Equifax, Ezperian, and Trans Union, was in Oct., 2010. my numbers showed 780, 781, and 781. Pretty good I'm told. But now that I've pulled the pin from 2LARRCO, would it be wise ta have the thing done again? Just in case the 'hous...