Troll, your polls are very narrow in scope. Doesn't allow for much ...anything. The "shit-slinging" between you two over the years would make for a "thick book". I dont know where it will ultimately lead to but I think I'm going to find out.
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.
Hmmm... Uke does not know how to respond to TNK's missive. Refusing ta vote (because of the dirty words) can be viewed as a positive sign. So Uke says thanks TNK. Now let's go have some tea. And krumpets. With butter and jam!
Hmm. That address doesnt look right. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.
Go buy you a 8-pak of "English Muffins". Don't worry about the ingredients in them or you'll never eat them. They are at their best out of a toaster oven. Very hot they melt applied butter almost instantly and then add a spread of peanut butter and something sweet on top of that. "Bringing the war back home".
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.
Snippy likes his Thomas' "Waffen SS" hot when they receive the Butter butter and Apple Butter. Hot enough to instantly strip flesh from the bone. Toaster oven's the only way.
I remember the days of the 2-slice and 4-slice conventional toasters. Had to cram a hamburger bun in the "slot" that was meant for sliced bread. The conventional toaster presented many problems when buns were introduced. Mangled up burnt chunks of bun stick in the "toaster" and had to "unplug" the appliance from the wall to complete extraction. Owning a toaster oven covers a lot of ground in the "heating/baking/ broiling" of food. It's as easy as a bridge to operate.
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.