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Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie
Troll, you asshole, TN will rain smiley-smiles down upon you and cure you of your frowny-frowns. Uke may be right. Perhaps we'll learn where TN and HHB are at the same time.
All ya gotta do is say it 3 times in a row...
Tea n Krumpettes
Tea n ...........................
Whatever became of Lake Tower and Briz's best bud DQ??
Calvin wrote:All ya gotta do is say it 3 times in a row...Tea n KrumpettesTea n KrumpettesTea n ...........................
Hi Testy Cal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Would you care to have a spot of tea with me?
Would you care to have a spot of tea with Mr. T ? Tea hee hee!!!!!!!