This early Labor Day..Sept 2th. Seems the last so many years
had Labor Day "later". I was wondering why the high-
school football games were on TV. Back to skool starts
next Wednesday Sept 4th. Not long to see how the
school buses navigate the newly created round-a-bouts
on SR 92. Been assessing noise levels from a 1/2 mile
away and the new round-about has quieted the hood
considerably. A glance at that round-a-bout has traffic
creeping through at 25 mph where a week ago you
were doing 55-60 past this intersection.
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.
First day of school is pretty easy to figure out when you
are a kid. First day of college has a whole different starting
date...more around Troll's "9th Full Moon" recollection of
his education years. There can be a chance of a "Blue Moon"
before September in which you would have to report back
to "skoolin" in last few days of August.
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.