This is the 2nd or 3rd newsstory I've heard or read in the
last 24hrs. The Fukushima thing has not gone away in
real life as its been spewing and dumping radio-active
shit into the air and ocean since the big earthquake/
Tsunami a couple years ago. So a bunch of this radio
active shit ready to make landfall on US West Coast
like right now. Hard to say how we will notice it with
our eyes. The Fukishima story will forever bring
North America and the rest of the globe lots of
radio active shit until they can figure a way to
"stop everything" in which that effort has been
futile so far. A tip for any GPNW the
first to publish the radio-activity levels for the area
just like the UV Index on a daily basis in your
newspaper. Now that would be news.
Fukushima Plume Arrives at West Coast Expert: If this was of greater health concern, wed be very worried; One model predicts levels over 1,000% higher than another, this is not really acceptable (GRAPHIC)