...and dead batts! Dammit! Tuesday night heard the horn blasting for several neighborhood crossings, and went trackside for a pic or three! And of schitt, batteries were dead! Not one shot.
This SD is painted in the very last SP scheme with silver noses, black/dull greyish sides, and the 'fast letters' a la DRG&W Southern Pacific. Trailing... Former BC Rail log cars, loaded ta the nines!
Curses! Foiled!
Hmm. That address doesnt look right. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.
...and dead batts! Dammit! Tuesday night heard the horn blasting for several neighborhood crossings, and went trackside for a pic or three! And of schitt, batteries were dead! Not one shot.
This SD is painted in tjhe very last SP scheme with silver noses, black/dull greyish sides, and the 'fast letters' a la DRG&W... Southern Pacific. Trailing... Former BC Rail log cars, loaded ta the nines!
No picture? Didn't check for charged batteries. Abject failure. Grounds for suspension, at the very least.
No wires *cy*
Touche! This one is running and maybe owned by the Albany & Eastern, a short line serving a few lumber mills in Sweet Home, Oregon...and maybe a battery (*) plant in Lebanon. They interchange with UP at Albany. They ship finished lumber, plywood and chip-board. Here's a 'borrowed' pic from another websight on the good ol' internets (Invented by Al Gore, of course!).
And the most unusual thing...the Mars light actually works!
Hmm. That address doesnt look right. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.