Movies like this only come along very rarely. And when they do, ya gotta see 'em on the BIG screen. That's so ya get the full deal experience, and get whatcha pay for. Having the shit scared right outa ya right there in your seat!
Yep! From what the producers say, Charlize Theron does almost all her stunts, and the really physical scenes, it's all her!
I had "Atomic Blonde" on DVD but gave it away as an Easter gift to friends in E. WA
Hmm. That address doesnt look right. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.
I was thinking. How did they have power the whole time? and why didn't they all just make a lot sound machine in the middle of their farm to drown out all their every day sounds.
DJ will never be the Republicunt nominee. Permalynx this. Snippy 2/2/2016