Man Dies After Eating Ounce of Cocaine Out Of Brother's Butt

After eating an ounce of cocaine hidden in his brother's buttocks, a South Carolina man died soon after.

Deangelo Mitchell, 23, and his brother Wayne, 20, were in the back of a North Charleston Police Department cruiser on Nov. 30. The duo was being transported to jail when they began whispering about narcotics hidden inside the older sibling.
The Mitchells were arrested when a police officer found three small bags of cocaine underneath a rear seat of their 2001 Chrysler. It is evident in video footage that Deangelo Mitchell encouraged his younger brother to ingest the cocaine. The older Mitchell has a lengthy record and was concerned that he could face life in prison if convicted of a narcotics charge. "I can't get no more strikes," he told his brother.

He further directed his brother to "Eat that s***" and "Chew that s***."

In the footage, Wayne Mitchell can be seen, in handcuffs, reaching back to retrieve the cocaine from his brother. He then drops his head while he eats the cocaine.

Wayne Mitchell soon after began convulsing and bleeding from his mouth. "White powder residue" was found on the rear seat of the police cruiser, cops noted. Deangelo later said "he believed his brother swallowed an ounce of cocaine."

Wayne Mitchell died within an hour of ingesting the cocaine.

Deangelo Mitchell was initially charged with narcotics trafficking and was released from custody after posting $50,000 bond. But after a review of the police footage, authorities rearrested him Tuesday, charging him with involuntary manslaughter in connection with his brother's death.