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Post Info TOPIC: The Obama Health Care Plan...explained.

The Forum Celestial Advisor

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Posts: 7774
The Obama Health Care Plan...explained.

If you haven't made up your mind yet...


-- Edited by The Krink on Tuesday 6th of March 2012 02:22:56 AM

-- Edited by The Krink on Tuesday 6th of March 2012 02:24:17 AM

-- Edited by The Krink on Tuesday 6th of March 2012 02:26:30 AM


If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.

Upgraded Condition?

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Posts: 5180

Wow. Someone tried ta hide where this came from, but it was a half-hearted attempt. Tracked it down handily.

I just dont think the Krinkster is gonna put a cross on his page, or the Star of Israel either. I wouldn't be surprised if this guy isnt related to Limpballs, or at least, shares the same supplier of Oxycotin.


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HI - Thank you for visiting this channel. Here you will find truths that the mainstream liberal media doesn't want you to hear. Our goal is to expose the truth to the best of our ability, those things which we feel are hidden. Please know though that there may be some things in some videos that we don't agree with but may feel that there is enough in a certain story that we think is important to share.

We are Christians with biblical conservative views. We sympathize with our fellows that In these last days living in America can be frustrating with the way things are going in our God given country. We thank the puritans for Gods blessing that has been and...still is on this Country so far...maybe. We believe it's essential to our nation that we each take a stand for her good, for God and simply, for what is right. It's simple common sense. Thank God that ultimately we know we have a hope that overrides our frustrations and that hope is Jesus Christ! We believe the time is very short for us in this world so, If you do not understand Christ or how to "know Him" Please contact us and we will be happy to explain the Biblical teachings on how you too can have eternal life no matter what you've done or have been through, there is hope for you in Christ. Please enjoy the channel. It's our goal to bring the viewer some sound, interesting, informative and sometimes fun videos. All channel comments await approval so please be patient.
_______X_____X_______Put this on your
_______X_____X_______page if you
_______X_____X_______believe that
_______X_____X_______Jesus Christ
_______X_____X_______died for our

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that who so ever believes on Him will not perish but have everlasting life. (17) For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world might be saved through Him. (18) He that believes on him is not condemned: but he that believes not is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
John 3:16-18


God loves Jews, Jesus Son of God was a Jew, Therefore we love Jews!

God's blessing on Israel through Abram. Take heed!

Gen 12:3 "And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed."



______________ I Support Israel.



 This is the official end of my post.  

The Forum Celestial Advisor

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Posts: 7774

Thank's Calvin for "delveing into it". I still feel the video is presenting the
"distilled truth" of this whole deal. Doesnt matter who figured it out as
long it got "Figured Out". Sometimes you have to rely on others to figure
stuff out.


If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.

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© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





Unstable & Irrational

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The Repugs are desperate, because after 30 million people get insurance at a reasonable rate, with no caps etc. the people will like it like the seniors like Medicare and Social Security. The Repugs are trying to delay it for another year.... Not going to happen. My daughter is on mine now, told her to start the exercise to get on insurance when she is no longer 26. I wonder how much the carriers got back from the insurance companies if they didn't use the money for health care up to 80 percent???


I started ophph with nuthin, and I can safely say I have most of it left....

Force Majeure

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Freddie Krueger wrote:

I wonder how much the carriers got back from the insurance companies if they didn't use the money for health care up to 80 percent???

 We are not covered by insurance, Phreddie.

It's already a "cost plus" plan. Rebate law does not apply.


Never Going Back!

Unstable & Irrational

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Posts: 4835

That is why I ask questions that I don't know the answer tu.....


I started ophph with nuthin, and I can safely say I have most of it left....

Upgraded Condition

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Freddie Krueger wrote:

That is why I ask questions that I don't know the answer tu.....

 It's another reason women want him. . .



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Cy Valley wrote:
Freddie Krueger wrote:

That is why I ask questions that I don't know the answer tu.....

 It's another reason women want him. . .

 Ask Jeeves: How much does a new car key cost?


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





Unstable & Irrational

Status: Offline
Posts: 4835

Ha, I still don't know, because after an extensive search, I found it. Now, I can go and get a spare, with no pressure.....


I started ophph with nuthin, and I can safely say I have most of it left....

500 - Internal Server Error

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Freddie Krueger wrote:

Ha, I still don't know, because after an extensive search, I found it. Now, I can go and get a spare, with no pressure.....



© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





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© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





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© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





Unstable & Irrational

Status: Offline
Posts: 4835

My daughter will turn 26 this month. Sent her to shop for insurance in California. Looks like pop will be paying around $200 max for her insurance. Maybe, if she is in good health, buy a bronze plan since she is young for now. Pop can cover the deductions etc...


I started ophph with nuthin, and I can safely say I have most of it left....

The Forum Celestial Advisor

Status: Offline
Posts: 7774

Here is the latest on this so called "Obamacare" which he doesnt.
Throws a total fuck into everybody's lives and pocketbocks.
Making that important connection of getting the populous
very deeply involed with the AMA/Big Pharma that is involved
with big government to go to where that leads to. I could
let this huge conspiracy go on out of control except even
"bystanders" get nicked by the IRS. $95 for 2014 more in 2015..
what the fuck is that? Hope the new RePelicans elected can
shitcan just about every aspect of Obamacancareless.

Need help filing out your tax return? Don't call the IRS


-- Edited by The Krink on Thursday 15th of January 2015 02:25:25 AM


If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.

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