Hey Phreddie...why not prod your roo... Uh, Troll...who no longer shares your abode, although he's still your neighbor... Get him ta update the Philly murder numbers, since we only got a few weeks b'fore the year ends!
Hmm. That address doesnt look right. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.
* The official criminal homicide statistics that will be submitted to the FBI as part of the national UCR reporting system for 2011 is 324; three homicides previously counted in the year-end statistics were ruled justifiable homicides by the District Attorney's Office.
Homicide Data
November 23, 2012 As of 23:59 Previous Day
The above homicide statistics for 2012 represent the daily count (statistics reflect the accurate count during normal business hours, Monday through Friday) and year-to-date total for victims of homicide and are subject to reclassification according to the rules and regulations of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) guidelines. The homicide statistics above for years 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007 have been submitted to the FBI as the final UCR numbers for the City of Philadelphia
Looks that way. But I suppose that's a good thing no matter how we finish up 2012! Seattle is not even in the same league with Philly, but 2012 will probably enter the record books for numbers of homicides here!
It's been a real nasty year for murder. Especially shootings... And those shootings happened all over the city. No one particular neighborhood was immune... The gun-play was random at best, with no explanation from law enforcement officials!
Hmm. That address doesnt look right. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.