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Post Info TOPIC: Where's the Philly murder updates?


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RE: Where's the Philly murder updates?

Snippy wrote:

Snippy predicts that the number will be zero at the time Fuck Uke has made his prediction.

       Uke concede's to the older, wiser Snippy... The exact count at the stroke of midnight (not one second later) shall be as stated 339, or +/- 3!


Hmm. That address doesnt look right.
It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.

Gah. Your tab just crashed.

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Uke wrote:
Snippy wrote:

Snippy predicts that the number will be zero at the time Fuck Uke has made his prediction.

       Uke concede's to the older, wiser Snippy... The exact count at the stroke of midnight (not one second later) shall be as stated 339, or +/- 3!


I Just hope to Fawwk that Zsa Zsa Gabore don't decide to visit Philly tonite.



 This is the official end of my post.  



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Yeah! We can't have her takin' her last breath in Philly! That would throw our death-watch calendar outa whack for sure! Not ta mention her kickin' off prematurely would fuck up everybody's chance that Phreddie will pay up for his FAILURE last go round!

Hopefully it'll arrive as a post-dated check... After all, $12.00 buys a lotta canned soup, and Top Ramen!


Hmm. That address doesnt look right.
It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.

Gah. Your tab just crashed.

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With all the celebrating gunfire around midnight someone should get popped.


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





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Fuck Uke still won't allow me to post links.


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





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Troll wrote:


Fuck Uke still won't allow me to post links.


Philadelphia Officials Plead For Gunfire-Free New Years Eve Celebrations

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(Credit: Pat Loeb)

(Credit: Pat Loeb)

Pat Loeb

Reporting Pat Loeb

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By Pat Loeb

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) District attorney Seth Williams and police commissioner Charles Ramsey today made their annual plea to Philadelphians not to fire guns into the air to celebrate the arrival of the new year. They say its a dangerous practice that can have tragic consequences, and they promised strict enforcement of laws prohibiting the practice.

Its an annual reminder that, apparently, isnt reaching its target audience.

Greg Jaskolka used to look forward to New Years traditions like watching the ball drop, banging pots, and kissing his family.

Now, his annual tradition is pushing his wheelchair-bound son, Joe, to police headquarters to put a human face on the consequences of so-called celebratory gunfire.


We want to plead, cajole, whatever you want to call it, Greg (wearing tan jacket in photo) said today.  Please dont do this.

This is the fourteenth year that Jaskolka has made his plea.  But every year, police report more than a hundred calls for gunfire between 10 pm and 2 am on New Years Eve.

Last year, Philadelphia DA Seth Williams says, there were 154 such calls up over the last two years.

What happened to Joe could have happened to 154 Philadelphians last year, Williams said.

He is promising zero-tolerance enforcement.

We will have extra police officers working tonight, specifically out looking for people doing this sort of thing, said Commissioner Ramsey (far left in photo.)  And if we find you, we will lock you up.  We will lock you up.

Police did arrest nine people last year.  Three are still awaiting trial; one case was dismissed; one defendant is missing; four pleaded guilty, but the DAs office did not know immediately if theyd been sentenced.


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





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Not Philly....Looks like someone took her to the woodshed

Body Of Missing NJ Woman Found In Storage Shed

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WOODBURY, N.J. (AP)  Authorities say the death of a woman whose body was found in a storage shed behind a southern New Jersey apartment building will be investigated as a homicide.


A Woodbury police officer found Sabrina Bullock around 3 a.m. Monday, several hours after her family had reported her missing.

Gloucester County authorities say the 41-year-old Woodbury resident was last seen on Saturday. They say the condition of the body led investigators to believe she had been murdered but declined further comment, noting that an autopsy has not been conducted.

(© Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie







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Forty minutes ta go. Will they prove Troll is out of his min... Never mind all that, just put the numbers up!


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It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.

Gah. Your tab just crashed.



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Okay Troll, it's 2012 in the GPNW... Post the damn numbers! A new year, time ta reset the count!

Get busy...we're all waitin'! And don't give us a bunch of excuses, like " It was raining," or "I hadda work..." We all know that one's bullschitt!

Phreddie keeps an eye on you, so we know all your excuses, now post those damn numbers, or else!


Hmm. That address doesnt look right.
It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.

Gah. Your tab just crashed.

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The person who reports this shit doesn't work holidays.

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Year-End Totals

Homicide Totals

* The official criminal homicide statistics that will be submitted to the FBI as part of the national UCR reporting system for 2011 is 324; three homicides previously counted in the year-end statistics were ruled justifiable homicides by the District Attorney's Office.

Homicide Data

Homicides 2012
Homicides 2011
Homicides 2010
Homicides 2009
Homicides 2008
Homicides 2007
January 1, 2013
As of 23:59 Previous Day

The above homicide statistics for 2012 represent the daily count (statistics reflect the accurate count during normal business hours, Monday through Friday) and year-to-date total for victims of homicide and are subject to reclassification according to the rules and regulations of the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) guidelines. The homicide statistics above for years 2010, 2009, 2008 and 2007 have been submitted to the FBI as the final UCR numbers for the City of Philadelphia.


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





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Fuck Uke still won't allow me to post links.


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

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Violent crime in Phila. down, killings up; Nutter says numbers 'unacceptable'

Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey wants federal leadership.
ELIZABETH ROBERTSON / Staff Photographer
Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey wants federal leadership.

When Mayor Nutter took office in 2008, he set some audacious goals for ending Philadelphia's long run as one of the nation's most violent big cities.

Within two years, homicides had dropped by nearly a quarter and shootings by more than 15 percent.

But the flush of early success has since been tempered by the city's toughest streets, where violent crime has proven once again to be deeply rooted.

Progress in recent years has been more incremental. And with homicides - the most closely watched barometer of crime - ground has been lost.

When 2012 comes to a close, killings will have risen for the third straight year, the highest total in Nutter's five years in office. The count was 337 as of Monday afternoon, up from 324 in 2011.

Aggravated assaults with a gun (more than 2,400) will have stayed the same, while robberies with a gun (more than 3,300) will have dropped slightly from 2011.

There is good news: overall crime is down more than 3 percent this year, and 9 percent since Nutter took office.

And violent crime, despite the uptick in killings, has dropped more than 15 percent from 2007. The number of people injured or killed by gunfire is down 20 percent since then.

Nutter called the numbers "still unacceptable."

"I'm proud of the success, appreciate all the effort," he said. "I think we can do better."

In an interview in his office last week, Nutter was pragmatic about the city's challenges without giving up hope of a paradigm-shifting change on a par with the historic crime drops in New York City and Washington.

"I am the most practical, realistic, yet optimistic person that you're going to find," he said. "This is my hometown. I have no reason to believe . . . that Philadelphians are any more prone to violence than most other Americans."

The experience of other large cities in 2012 has varied. New York and Washington will log their fewest killings in a half-century.

Homicides in Chicago, meanwhile, reached 500 on Friday, a 15 percent increase from last year.

While many factors have played a role in New York's lauded turnaround, Nutter noted that New York state has some of the nation's toughest gun laws.

"The biggest challenge in this city is the overwhelming proliferation and accessibility of guns," he said.

Nutter said he would unveil "thoughts and ideas" in January on how to combat gun violence locally and nationally. Although he refused to elaborate, the mayor, who last week mocked the National Rifle Association on national television, seemed ready to wade again into the gun-control debate.

"Your right to have a gun should not interfere with my right to be safe," he said. "The question is what kinds of guns and who can have them. It's a longer, broader conversation."

Police Commissioner Charles H. Ramsey, who was named to a gun policy task force headed by Vice President Biden, said only so much progress can be made without federal leadership - 85 percent of the city's 2012 homicides were committed with a firearm, the most popular being the semiautomatic 9mm handgun. That percentage has risen gradually from 48 percent over the last quarter-century.

Ramsey said he hoped the sense of urgency after the school massacre in Newtown, Conn., doesn't fade with time and political pressure.

"If 330 murders doesn't count as mass murder, I don't know what is," he said. "We only wake up for a brief moment in time and then we fall back to sleep. It's not going to correct itself."

Ramsey also said that a midyear review of the city's shooting victims showed those hit multiple times had risen 30 percent and victims shot in the head was up 11 percent. That could explain why shootings overall are down but killings are up.

"It tells us the intent is definitely to kill," he said.

As in most cities, homicides here have dropped significantly since the years following the arrival of crack cocaine - Philadelphia's record was set in 1990, with 497 homicides.

"We're very quick to forget exactly the progress that's been made," Ramsey said. "Short-term, you're always up against last year's numbers. I would hope we would eventually look at trends as opposed to year-to-year numbers."

He acknowledged that having fewer than 300 homicides - something that hasn't happened here since 2002 - is a psychological barrier for the city.

Ramsey was police chief in Washington for nine years, when homicides in the city fell below 200 - a previously unthinkable accomplishment.

The capital's 2012 homicide total is not expected to reach 100. Ramsey said similar success was possible here.

"I think we can get below 200 in this city," he said. "When I said I thought we could get below 100 murders in D.C., people looked at me like I was crazy."

Ramsey also noted that Washington's progress was accompanied by seismic economic and demographic shifts in the district.

Nutter, too, says the underlying social causes of crime - such as school dropout rates and unemployment - ultimately have to be addressed.

"I give a half a dozen to 10 speeches a day. Somewhere in almost every one of them, I'm talking about education," he said. "The reason? It's about crime. Better-educated public, more people working, less crime."

The city's economic data - like its crime figures - remain daunting, even though the city weathered the recession without disaster.

Philadelphia's poverty rate rose to 28.4 percent in 2011, with nearly 40 percent of children living in poverty, according to the U.S. census. Of major cities, only Detroit had a median household income less than Philadelphia's $34,207.

Meanwhile, unemployment has continued to hover in double digits in Philadelphia - 10.8 percent in November, according to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In the African American community, the numbers are starker. About half the city's black men are jobless, said Bilal Qayyum, a longtime activist and president of the Father's Day Rally Committee.

"We're never going to eliminate crime, but you decrease it by providing opportunity, particularly with men," he said. "We really have to talk about how we create jobs."

Nutter and Ramsey say police tactics have made a dent. They credited several programs with tamping down violent crime in the second half of the year. Those include GunStat, which tracks violent offenders in targeted areas, and a policy of seeking high bail in gun crimes.

After two years of tight budgets, the police academy graduated two classes this year with a third on its way, putting 120 new officers on the street.

While the ultimate answer may be making fundamental social changes, Nutter said, "we still have to patrol these streets every day."

"It is unacceptable for anyone to ever think we can't do something better, something more," he said. "Anyone who's thinking that - at least if they're in public service - they need to find another job."


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

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Philadelphia Ends Year With Highest Number Of Homicides In The Last 4 Years

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By Pat Loeb

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) - Philadelphia ends the year with 329 homicides. Thats the highest number in the last four years. But Police Commissioner Charles Ramsey sees signs of hope amid the statistics.

Philadelphias crime statistics contain a paradox. The percentage of gun-related homicides is up. They account for 85 percent of homicides. And the number of homicides is up five more than last year- but the number of shootings is down to its lowest number since at least 2001. Commissioner Ramsey believes the shootings have become more lethal because more of the victims are shot in the head or shot multiple times.

Theyre targeted shootings, with high caliber weapons, said Ramsey.

Ramsey says he saw the homicide rate shooting up in the first half of the year and adopted a new strategy to keep the most dangerous offenders off the street one that seems to have worked. The number of homicides dropped in the second half of the year.

Are we satisfied? No, the numbers creeping up from what it was, but its not as grim if you just look at the number as opposed to looking at trends.


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

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New Years Shooting Under Investigation In Philadelphia

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PHILADELPHIA (CBS)  A shooting in Philadelphia is under investigation on New Years Day.

It happened a little after midnight in the 5600 block of Carpenter Street.

The circumstances surrounding the shooting are not yet clear.

Stay with CBSPhilly for updates.


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

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Homicide #1 for 2013

New Year Ushered In With Deadly Hit-Run on City Avenue Near Presidential Blvd.

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Jim Melwert

Reporting Jim Melwert

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By Jim Melwert

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) Philadelphias first homicide happened shortly after midnight this New Years Day.  And it was just one of many incidents keeping police busy this morning.

It took investigators hours to identify the victim.  His name was not immediately released.

He was hit about 2:45 this morning as he was crossing the northbound lanes of City Avenue, near Presidential Boulevard.


The victim, a white man with white hair, appeared to be in his 50s.  He was wearing a black jacket, jeans, and white sneakers.  He was pronounced dead at the scene.

The car that hit him drove off.  Police say that its a silver sedan, possibly a Nissan, last seen heading onto the ramp that goes towards the Schuylkill Expressway, Lincoln Drive, and the Roxborough-Manayunk area.

That car has significant front-end damage and possible windshield damage.

Police were also investigating two crashes they say are alcohol related, one a single-car crash on Henry Avenue around 12:30am.  In the other, at Mascher and Tabor around 1:30am, five people were injured one of them critically when a car crashed into a pole.

There are also at least three homicides so far in this New Year, all shootings.   Two of them involved teenagers one in the Cobbs Creek section of the city, the other in Nicetown.


© Equal Opportunity Annoyer

Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie





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