Kerstians (and others) get ready. Troll, go back ta church 'cause Jeezuss may visit yer 'hood!
Yep a week from taday is Keester, and y'all know what that means right? The second coming (no, not that ya preverts!) of Jeezuss of Nazareth (not Pennsylvania), or not!
Nonetheless it is next Sunday the 31st. of March. So be prepared for the return. Of Jeezuss!
Attention; Attention; Attention! Today is NOT a railroad holiday. Nope! But it IS a Kestian (Catholic) holiday...yep! It's Palm Sunday! Go get yer ashes. But conphphess you sins first!
Then get yer share of burnt palms (from last week)! Get ready for Jeezuss, he's on the way. Soon! Maybe... Meanwhile stock up on these:
Get thee behind m... Never mind that! Go ta church ass! Save yer sole! Jeezuss won't put up with yer crap, and put that plywood up yerselph ya lazy ass!
Hmm. That address doesnt look right. It looks like the link pointing here was faulty.
Actually there is a tune by King Missle "Jeebus was way cool" that stirs up me up somehow. I think the lyrics could be about anything to that piano music and I would like it.
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.