The URL call was terminated because of an error.
The following error occurred in system E1P : Field symbol has not yet been assigned.
The error occurred on application server e1pdi2_E1P_13 and in work process. 61
The termination type was: RABAX_STATE
The ABAP call stack was: Form: GET_NET_PAY of program SAPLZPPY_F475_PAYSLIP_US Function: ZPPY_F475_PAYSLIP_US_FLD_MAP of program SAPLZPPY_F475_PAYSLIP_US Form: %GLOBAL_INIT of program /1BCDWB/SAPLSM00000062 Function: /1BCDWB/SM00000062 of program /1BCDWB/SAPLSM00000062 Method: ZWDCALLFORM of program /1BCWDY/LXCTR5TUUNW0ZA4ZJ211==CP Method: IF_V_REM_STAT~ZWDCALLFORM of program /1BCWDY/LXCTR5TUUNW0ZA4ZJ211==CP Method: WDDOINIT of program /1BCWDY/LXCTR5TUUNW0ZA4ZJ211==CP Method: IF_WDR_VIEW_DELEGATE~WD_DO_INIT of program /1BCWDY/LXCTR5TUUNW0ZA4ZJ211==CP Method: DO_INIT of program CL_WDR_DELEGATING_VIEW========CP Method: INIT_CONTROLLER of program CL_WDR_CONTROLLER=============CP
What can I do?
If the termination type was RABAX_STATE, you will find more information on the cause of termination in system E1P in transaction ST22.
If the termination type was ABORT_MESSAGE_STATE, you will find more information on the cause of termination on the application server e1pdi2_E1P_13 in transaction SM21.
If the termination type was ERROR_MESSAGE_STATE, you can search for further information in the trace file for the work process 61 in transaction ST11 on the application server e1pdi2_E1P_13 . You may also need to analyze the trace files of other work processes.
If you do not yet have a user ID, contact your system adminmistrator.
Why certainly! Their SAP Crap crashes on the same three pay stubs in Chrome.
In their infinite wisdom, LAMCO changed their pay stubs to render in some proprietary SAP XML PDF format. It doesn't play nicely for a lot of folk. If you let them crossover to the paycheck modeling area, they revert back to regular PDFs.