Maybe if everybody "boned-up" on Uranus's celestial influence the
jokes would stop. I'm of the some that pronounce the planet
"Your-anus" and then there are the ones that pronounce it
"Urine-ness". I can you tell its not "Urine-ness". Once you read up
on the effect Uranus has on your life you certainly respect it
more. Any transit aspect to Uranus is going to have some "sparks".
By the way Snippy, Uranus is in direct motion until the 22nd of July.
I couldnt tell you the difference of if I can notice the difference if
Uranus is direct or retrograde in daily life. Astrology always makes
more sense looking in the rear-view mirror. Sure many studies on
what happens when Uranus is direct or retrograde. Maybe I can
find one.
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.