Jennifer Esposito is so hawt!
© Equal Opportunity Annoyer
Troll The Anti-Fast Freight Freddie
Here ya go Uke.....
If you are in a horror movie, you make bad decisions, its what you do.
The Krink wrote:I bet she has never given a blow job. She looks very...religious.
I bet she has never given a blow job. She looks very...religious.
Then again, maybe she does if she's religious but with a Clinton-esque definition of extramarital sex.
This is how I roll.
Thunderwagon5000 wrote:The Krink wrote:I bet she has never given a blow job. She looks very...religious. Then again, maybe she does if she's religious but with a Clinton-esque definition of extramarital sex.
Uke wrote:Zeb AtlasAlarmed & Dangerous
Zeb Atlas
Going Back to 1850 and 1933 all at once!
Used Cars....uncut on Sony HD.....warming up the DVR