There's no way anyone is undecided at this point. Might as well just hold the election tomorrow
My polls open on September 18th when they mail my ballot.
Meanwhile, Trump's trained pet SEAL - Scotty Taylor - who ran a ratphukking operation similar tu what Trump is doing with Kanye, has sent a cease and desist order to the current congresswoman to refrain from mentioning it because he is still under investigation.
After the troubles with Kanye's petitions, I wonder if Trump didn't retain his pet SEAL to run it. They guy is a joke. Scott Taylor's paid campaign staff went out collecting signatures to run a black Democrat who was on trial for felony Medicare/Medicaid fraud. They wanted to run her to siphon votes off the Democratic Party candidate because they figured 'blacks will always vote for blacks.' As reprehensible as it was, that was perfectly legal. It was the forgeries of dead (and live) peoples' signatures on the petitions submitted to the state Election Commission that was not.
The laughable part of all this is the conservatives crying about the money in politics. They are the same people who ended up at the Supreme Court and won Citizens United, destroying the McCain Feingold legislation to reign in the unlimited money. Unlimited money flowing to candidates is part of your First Amendment rights, according to John Roberts and his bunch of robed rich guys. And, hey, if you do it right, it's dark money from unknown sources.